網上靜觀體驗工作坊 —「自我關懷」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊 —「自我關懷」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊—「喜怒哀樂皆靜觀」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊—「喜怒哀樂皆靜觀」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊 —「自我關懷」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊 —「自我關懷」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊—「喜怒哀樂皆靜觀」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊—「喜怒哀樂皆靜觀」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊—「靜觀伸展」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊—「靜觀伸展」系列 【費用全免】
網上靜觀體驗工作坊 — 「靜觀職場」系列 【費用全免】
MBCT靜觀認知課程 - 靜觀生活(第五期)- [由於反應熱烈﹐這期名額已滿。下一期報名請留意我們的Facebook/Instagram專頁]
MBCT (Phase 4) - [Due to popular demand, the enrolment quota is full.]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
[FREE] Online Mindfulness Workshop [to be conducted in Cantonese]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
Professional Workshops on Becoming Trauma-Sensitive: Making Mindfulness and Meditation Safe for Trauma Survivors
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
[FREE] Online Mindfulness Workshop: Mindful Communication [to be conducted in Cantonese]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
MBCT (Phase 3) - [Due to popular demand, the enrolment quota is full.]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
[FREE] Online Mindfulness Workshop: Mindful and Peaceful [to be conducted in Cantonese]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
[FREE] Online Mindfulness Workshop: Mindful Stretching [to be conducted in Cantonese]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
MBCT (Phase 2) - [Due to popular demand, the enrolment quota is full.]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
[FREE] Online Mindfulness Workshop: Mindfulness and Body, Mind, Spirit [to be conducted in Cantonese]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童 家庭研究計劃
專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童 家庭研究計劃
MBCT課程 - [由於反應熱烈﹐這期的報名名額已滿。]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
[FREE] Online Mindfulness Workshop [to be conducted in Cantonese]
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
ADHD,點算好? - 食藥?行為治療?靜觀?
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
靜觀與專注⼒不⾜/過度活躍症兒童 網上專題講座暨家庭研究計劃簡介
CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training