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靜觀為基礎的介入措施: MYMIND課程對專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童及其家長的成效研 究: 隨機對照試驗
靜觀為基礎的介入措施對緩解因患癌離世病童之家長的哀傷及負面情緒的有效性及可行 性: 先導研究
靜觀為基礎的介入措施在專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童及其家長中的可行性和可接受程 度研究: 先導研究
靜觀分娩與教養課程(MBCP)促進孕婦心理健康的研究: 於香港的隨機對照試驗
靜觀減壓課程對緩解社區華人婦女的更年期症狀的成效研究: 隨機對照臨床試驗
隨機對照臨床試驗: 靜觀認知療法對社區華人長期失眠患者的成效研究
靜觀減壓課程對於香港有長期社會心理壓力的照顧者的免疫狀況成效研究: 隨機對照試 驗
隨機對照臨床試驗: 靜觀認知療法對廣泛性焦慮症及基層醫療健康服務使用的成效研究
長期社會心理壓力: 這會否影響香港華人長者對流感疫苗的免疫力?
慈心禪 : 改善香港警務人員心理健康之成效之研究計劃

Peer-reviewed Journals Papers

Lo HHM, Wong JYH, Wong SW, Wong SYS, Choi CW, Ho RTH, Fong RWT, Snel E. Applying mindfulness to benefit economically disadvantaged families: a randomized controlled trial. Research on Social Work Practice 2018;
Chan SKC, Zhang D, Bogels SM, Chan CS, Lai KYC, Lo HHM, Yip BHK, Lau ENS, Gao TT, Wong SYS. Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention (MYmind) for children with ADHD and their parents: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2018; 8:e022514.
Wong CKM, Yip BHK, Gao T, Lam KYY, Woo DMS, Yip ALK, Chin CY, Tang WPY, Choy MMT, Tsang KWK, Ho S, Ma HSW, Wong SYS. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) or Psychoeducation for the reduction of menopausal symptoms: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Scientific Reports 2018; 8(1):6609.
Wong SYS, Sun YY, Chan ATY, Leung MKW, Chao DVK, Li CCK, Chan KKH, Tang WK, Mazzucchelli, T. Au, AML, Yip BHK. Behavioural Activation with Mindfulness (BAM) for Treating Sub-threshold Depression in Primary Care: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Annals of Family Medicine 2018, 16(2):111-119.
Yip BHK, Lee X, Leung CHY, Gao T, Chung VC, YU FWP, Lam TP, Cheng JCY, Wong SYS. The use of mindfulness-based intervention for improving bracing compliance for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physiotherapy 2018; 64:193.
Wong SYS, Chan J, Zhang DX, Lee E, Tsoi K. The Safety of Mindfulness-based interventions: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Mindfulness 2018;
Lo HHM, Wong SWL, Wong JYH, Yeung JWK, Snel E, Wong SYS. The effects of family-based mindfulness intervention on ADHD symptomology in young children and their parents: a randomized control trial. Journal of Affective Disorder 2017;
Wong SYS, Zhang D, Li CC, Yip BH, Chan DC, Ling Y, Lo CS, Woo DM, Sun Y, Ma H, Mak WW, Gao T, Lee TM, Wing Y. Comparing the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Sleep Psycho-Education with Exercise on Chronic Insomnia: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2017; 86(4):241-253.
Zhang D, Chan SKC, Lo HHM, Chan CYH, Chan JCY, Ting KT, Gao TT, Lai KYC, Bogels SM, Wong SYS. Mindfulness-based intervention for Chinese Children with ADHD and their parents: a pilot mixed-method study. Mindfulness 2016;
Lo HMH, Wong SYS, Wong JYH, Wong SWL, Yeung JWK. The effect of a family-based mindfulness intervention on children with attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms and their parents: Design and rationale for a randomized controlled clinical trial. BMC Psychiatry 2016; 16:65
Wong SYS, Yip BHK, Mak WWS, Mercer S, Cheung EYL, Ling CYM, Lui WWS, Tang WK, Lo HHM, Wu JCY, Lee TMC, Gao T, Griffiths SM, Chan PHS, Ma HSW. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy versus Group Psychoeducation for People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. British Journal of Psychiatry 2016, 209 (1) 68-75; doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.1661245
Hou RJ, Wong SYS*, Lo HHM, Mak WWS, Ma HSW. Validation of a Chinese Version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Hong Kong and Development of a Short Form. Assessment. 2014; 83:45-53.
Hou J, Wong SYS*, Yip, BHK, Lo HHM, Chan, PHS, Lo, CSL, Kwok, TCY, Tang, WK, Mak, WWS, Mercer, SW, Ma, HSW.: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program Improves Family Caregivers’ Mental Well-being: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 2013; 83:45-53
Wong SY, Chan FW, Wong RL, Chu MC, Lam KYY, Mercer SW, and Ma SH: Comparing the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Multidisciplinary Intervention Programs for Chronic Pain A Randomized Comparative Trial. Clinical Journal of Pain.2011; 27(8):724-734
Wong SYS, Mak WWS, Cheung ELY, Ling CYM, Lui WWS, Tang WK, Wong RLP, Lo HHM, Mercer S and Ma HSW. A randomized, controlled clinical trial: the effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on generalized anxiety disorder among Chinese community patients: protocol for a randomized trial. BMC Psychiatry 2011, 11:187
Wong SY. Effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction programme on pain and quality of life in chronic pain patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2009. 15 Suppl 6:13-14.

Book Chapters

Conference Papers